Spotzi Explorer - Our catalog with free maps

Exciting news everyone! The wait is finally over and we are thrilled to announce the launch of Spotzi Explorer, a game-changing platform that offers an unparalleled source of data at your fingertips! And the best part? It's completely free! Whether you're a current Spotzi user or not, our free catalog of maps and dashboards is now available to everyone. With Spotzi Explorer, you'll have access to the latest zip code maps, demographics, and even real-time location data, all in one convenient platform. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to take your data analysis to the next level. Join Spotzi Explorer today and start exploring!

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Not a Spotzi user yet? Join for free!

Spotzi Explorer is also available as a free standalone plan. By providing free access to relevant information, we provide valuable insights to any individual in the world. We can help empower individuals and communities to make informed decisions about the issues that matter most to them. Whether you're a business owner, marketer, or casual explorer, Spotzi Explorer has something for everyone.

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Get free access to insightful maps and dashboards

Spotzi Explorer provides free access to a unique and continuously expanding database of maps and dashboards for you to explore on your own.

Postal Code Maps

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Our postal code maps provide a clear and detailed representation of all postal codes of little over 20 countries, making it easy to find and locate any address or location you need. With a simple glance at the map, you can easily identify the postal code of a specific area.

Disposable Income

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One of our most popular data-driven maps is our Disposable Income Map provided by our partner GfK. This map visualizes disposable income levels across the United States, Canada, and Europe, allowing you to explore which areas have the highest and lowest levels of disposable income.

A wide variety of maps and dashboards

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At Spotzi, we believe that maps can do more than just help businesses make better decisions - they can also inspire us to explore and appreciate the world around us. That's why we also added a beautiful collection of maps, featuring some of the most amazing natural wonders on the planet! Learn about diverse cultures, fascinating history, and unique wildlife as you navigate through our interactive maps.

Do you also want access to this growing platform?
Create a free Explorer account and gain access to a unique source of data and insights.

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Access the Free Spotzi Explorer

Gain access to our free catalog of maps and dashboards. Find Postal Codes, learn more about global income differences or just get inspired by our community maps. Spotzi Explorer is our free solution for every marketer, researcher, student and beyond. Available as a stand alone solution and part of our price plans.

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Ready to turn your data into insights?

Spotzi’s platform streamlines the process of geomarketing research & analysis by providing you with a one-stop-shop for all of your mapping and location data needs.

Are you ready to take your campaigns to the next level? Contact us to learn more about our Mapping, Profiling, and Targeting plans.

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Spotzi North America
  • 125-720 King Street West
  • Toronto ON M5V 3S5
  • Canada
Spotzi Europe
  • Joulehof 9
  • 4622 RG Bergen op Zoom
  • The Netherlands