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Visitor Profile

Our geomarketing platform leverages a vast database of anonymized mobile location data. Through visitor profiling, you can effortlessly generate comprehensive visitor profiles. Gain insights into visitor origins, demographics, and characteristics related to OOH and retail store visits.


Visitor Profiling Explained

Visitor profiling allows you to understand where visitors to your retail stores or out-of-home (OOH) locations originate. This is known as home location data, also referred to as our Homebase data. Based on these locations, Spotzi can further profile these visitors so users can gain insights into their demographics and other characteristics, such as consumer spending and income.

Create a Visitor Profile Dashboard

Request visitor profile

1. Request a Visitor Profile by selecting the VISITOR PROFILE option on the home screen.

Request visitor profile

2. Select one or multiple locations you want to profile. Click NEXT STEP to confirm.

Request visitor profile

3. Choose the data category, country, aggregation, dataset, and the information (graphs) you want to be visualized about your profiled location. You can always add extra insights at a later time. Click NEXT STEP to confirm.

Request visitor profile

4. Give your new dashboard a name and click CREATE DASHBOARD to start the profiling process. This may take a moment. You will receive an email when the process is done, and your visitor profile dashboard is generated.

Open visitor profiling dashboard

5. Once your Visitor Profile dashboard is generated, you can access it in MY DASHBOARDS.

Add additional visitor insights

In your Visitor Profile dashboard, you'll see your locations and the areas where visitors come from. To enrich this data, you can add more insights. Depending on your plan and associated datasets, you can gain insights into visitor characteristics such as age demographics, household composition, disposable income, consumer spending, real estate, traffic data and consumer behaviour.

Quick note
Ensure that when you want to enrich your customers with additional data, it matches the country where the customers are located. For more information, check our Help Center article on this topic.

Adding Graphs to your Visitor Profile Dashboard

In this example, let's enhance visitor data with age demographics, gender characteristics and more insights into consumer spending on clothing and apparel. This provides insights into visitors, helping adjust billboard messaging to the target audience.

Add visitor insights

1. To do this, select your country, aggregation level, dataset, and visualization data (e.g., Consumer Spending > United Kingdom > United Kingdom - Postcode Sectors > Clothing Expenditure Index).

Add visitor insights

2. A graph block is added to your dashboard, showing more insights about the age demographics of your visitors.

Pro tip! Measure the effect of your OOH campaign with Spotzi
Did you know that with Spotzi, you can also measure visits to your locations using cross-visitation indexes? Compare the visits to your store with and without an OOH campaign and analyze the effect of your campaign. Want to know more? Contact one of our sales representatives.

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Profiling custom locations

Draw locations you want to track

If you want to create a visitor profile for your locations, we first need to know which locations you want to analyze. It's crucial that you provide the outlines of your locations, not just specific points. If you don't have this information available, we can assist you. For more details, please contact our support team.

Why we need location outlines?
When profiling visitors at a location, we look at where devices intersect with your area. If it's just a point, the chance of intersection is much smaller compared to using the entire building. This affects the amount and quality of the data we collect. That's why we advise to take the outlines of a building (geofence) instead of only a point.


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Gain access to our free catalog of maps and dashboards. Find Postal Codes, learn more about global income differences or just get inspired by our community maps. Spotzi Explorer is our free solution for every marketer, researcher, student and beyond. Available as a stand alone solution and part of our price plans.

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