Do you want to visualize your company's sales performance geographically in Albania? Simply import your Albanian sales data and customer address lists into Spotzi to view an automatically-generated overview of your company's performance at 4-digit postal code level.
Spotzi's Administrative Boundary datasets contain the names and geospatial boundaries of each respective postal code area in Albania (ALB). You can also use our global administrative boundary data to target specific areas of your market with direct mail, online, or OOH campaigns.
With Spotzi Mapping, you can easily transform your data into clear postal code maps in just a few steps. From revenue figures per postal code area to sales managers per postcode for a sales territories map.
Do you want access to our extensive database of interactive postal code maps? Then create your free Spotzi Explorer account. This provides view-only access to dozens of visualizations, where you can filter postcode areas based on travel time and radius, among other features.